Check Out My Secret Podcast

3 special episode are waiting for you! Tune into get tips & ideas for self-care, reduce stress & mum guilt, and find more calm & peace in your day!

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Hey lovely! 

My name is Chika. I'm a founder of Wa Yoga and Yoga Australia registered teacher. I've been helping hundreds of mums let go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety over the last 10 years through the healing power of yoga & mindfulness. I'm a mum to an 8-year old daughter so I totally get what you're going through. If you're tired of not having any time for yourself and ready to live the life you love, you're in the right place! Let me help you feel calm & relaxed and be more present & patient with your kids!

More about Chika

You're in the right place if you are...

  • New mum with a newborn or infant
  • Mum of young kids (toddlers, preschoolers, primary schoolers)
  • Looking for balance between work & family life
  • Often feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed, or impatient
  • Wanting more energy, calm, inner peace & patience
  • Wanting to be a better mum for your kids
  • Wanting to enjoy guilt-free self-care to feel good
  • Ready to stop making excuses and start making time for yourself

Fill your cup first 💜


Are you ready to make time for you and fill your cup first so that you have more to give and be a better mum? If you’re tired of doing everything for everyone, I get you. I've been there. The first 6 months of becoming a mum, I kept on ignoring my needs to look after my newborn daughter. As a mum, we tend to put everyone else’s needs before ours but we can't pour from an empty cup. If you're ready to make time for you and want to reduce stress & overwhelm and find more calm & peace in your day so that you can be more patient & present with your kids, I invite you to join my online membership space, called Mindful Mama Membership!

Mindful Mama Membership




Online support for mums of young kids who are tired, stressed & overwhelmed, helping you find calm & inner peace

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New content Every Week

Short & sweet sessions specifically designed for busy mums.

You'll receive unlimited access to all present & past classes, giving you the convenience and freedom to practice w whenever you like from the comfort of your own home.

Monday Meditation

(10 minutes)

Enjoy short & sweet mindfulness meditation video released every Monday. And you will have unlimited access to all these videos so you can practice in your own time.

Wellness Wednesday

(30-minute yoga class)

You will get the following classes each month: Week 1 - Yin YogaWeek 2 - Yang Yoga, Week 3 - Yang & Yin Yoga, Week 4 - Yin & Yang Yoga so you can develop both flexibility & strength

Fun Friday

(bite-sized blog post)

Learn more about the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and explore the secrets to the optimal health. Full of lifestyle tips & suggestions so you take your health to the next level. 

Are you ready to take inspired action and transform your life?

Are you tired of being tired and ready to fill your cup? Not sure where to begin? Want support & guidance from an experienced teacher? I'm here to guide you in the right direction! Hit the button below to find out more.

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