Discover How Busy Mums of Young Kids are Reducing Stress & Overwhelm so They Can Finally Find Calm & Inner Peace Without Wasting Time, Leaving House or Finding a Babysitter

FREE Online Yoga Video. Get instant access to a 30-minute online yoga class that makes you feel good no matter how crazy and chaotic your life is. 

Discover How Busy Mums of Young Kids are Reducing Stress & Overwhelm So They Can Finally Find Calm & Inner Peace Without Wasting Time, Leaving House or Finding a Babysitter

FREE Online Yoga Video. Get instant access to a 30-minute online yoga class that makes you feel good no matter how crazy and chaotic your life is.

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- Wa Yoga Secret Podcast - 

Don't have time for yoga? Struggle with mum guilt? Wanna know the secret to wellbeing?

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About your instructor

Chika is a Yoga Australia registered teacher with a 7 year old daughter. She's been practising yoga for 15 years and teaching for the last 9 years and has seen hundreds of people transform their lives through the healing power of yoga & mindfulness. She's a creator of an online course, Calm & Relaxed Mama and also runs an online membership called the Mindful Mama Membership, supporting busy mums to embrace short, simple & sustainable practice from home. I've created a Secret Podcast to help you move forward. Click the button below to get started 👇

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Student Testimonials

from working mums juggling work & family

"Chika’s online classes have been very educational and she is a very inspiring teacher. For a mum, the shorter class times make for a much easier commitment from home. Having more frequent classes and the replays available serve as a good reminder to keep up a regular yoga practice." Lauren 


"My daughter and I first met Chika when my daughter was very young and always hyperactive! Chika’s beautiful, calm, exploratory classes put a wave of calmness over her. As a pre teen now she loves to do meditation and I can say without doubt that was Chika’s amazing influence. I’ve been practicing with Chika for many years now and as a busy mum juggling work and home life, find the convenience of her shorter online classes with replays an absolute Godsend as I can work it into my day as required. I highly recommend Chika to anyone looking for a calming, relaxing experience for you on your own or to share with your special little ones so they too can benefit Chika’s amazing unique influence!" Sandra


"As a people manager, I need to look after my team members at work. As a mom, I need to make sure my daughter is happy. While I was struggling to deal with the stress and polarities, I met Chika online when seeking remedies to mend the pain. By attending her sessions, I slowly learned to take a moment just for myself away from my office and motherhood to neutralize the heavy demands on my shoulders. I recommend all busy moms to experience the conscious relaxation journey with Chika to lighten the mental and physical demands." Rena