This FREE class will show you how easily you can reduce stress & overwhelm and find more calm & peace in your day from the comfort of your own home.
Yin Yoga is a lovely stillness practice where we hold each pose for a few minutes. We relax into each pose and enjoy being instead of striving. It helps us cultivate the attitude of acceptance & patience while improving flexibility in our physical body.
It's possible to find ease & grace in motherhood despite the chaos💖
Ready to fill your cup so you can be a happier & healthier version of you? Hit the button below to check out this FREE class now because it's only available for a limited time!
Hey beautiful mama! My name is Chika and I'm a Yoga Australia registered teacher, with 16 years of practice. I've been teaching yoga & mindfulness in Sydney since 2014. I'm a mum to a 7-year-old daughter so I understand firsthand the challenge of many mums - constantly juggling things and having little time left to themselves.
I've been helping hundreds of mothers find calm & peace through the healing power of yoga & mindfulness and I'd love to help YOU too💖
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