Hey lovely mama!

My name is Chika. I'm a founder of Wa Yoga and Yoga Australia registered teacher. I've been helping hundreds of mums let go of stress, overwhelm and anxiety since 2014 through the healing power of yoga & mindfulness. I'm a mum to an 8-year old daughter so I totally get what you're going through. If you're tired of not having any time for yourself and ready to live the life you love, you're in the right place! Let me help you feel calm & relaxed and be more present & patient with your kids! 

Check Out My Secret Podcast

3 episodes are waiting for you!
Tune in to get tips & ideas for self-care, reducing stress & mum guilt, and find more calm & peace in your day. 

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What does Wa Yoga mean?

Wa is a Japanese word that has multiple meanings. One meaning represented by the character 和 means harmony. The simplicity of yoga & mindfulness practice we share brings mind, body & heart into harmony, and through that inner harmony, we are able to extend it to the outer world, creating harmonious relationships with others and the natural environment.  Another meaning represented by the character 輪 means circle. As our logo, the seed of life symbol suggests, there is a lot of potential in many circles coming together to create something bigger and more meaningful. Another meaning represented by the character 話 means conversation.  We love chatting and getting to know you! Come and join our lovely online community to connect with other like-minded mums!

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Contact Chika

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