3 Mistakes You Might Be Making That Stop You from Becoming a Happier, Healthier Mum
Oct 16, 2023We all know how demanding motherhood can be -
Juggling work, family school drop offs and housework.
Life as a mum is a vibrant blend of endless nappy changing, toddler tantrums,
and schoolyard shenanigans.
Amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood,
it's important not to lose sight of your wellbeing.
Because your energy affects everyone around you.
A happy, healthy mum is the key to a happy, healthy family.
Today, let's dive deep into 3 common mistakes you might be making
that could be preventing you from becoming a happier, healthier you.
Mistake 1: Not Making Time for You
I know how it feels to have very little time for you
because you’re busy doing everything for everybody –
from the moment your kids wake up
until the moment they fall asleep at night.
Maybe you’re a single parent.
Maybe your partner commutes long hours
or goes on frequent business trips.
Maybe you don’t have your parents living nearby.
You feel like you have to do everything all by yourself.
But the thing is, you can’t do it all by yourself.
It takes a village to raise a child.
And maybe you feel like you don’t have your “village”.
If you’re struggling to make time for you,
Then chances are, you’re not asking for enough help.
It's so easy to put yourself last on the list.
But if you continue to prioritise everybody else’s needs before yours,
Your life won’t change.
If you don’t change, nothing changes.
So, start asking for help, even if it feels uncomfortable.
By doing uncomfortable things, you won’t be uncomfortable anymore.
Asking for help is one of the keys to making more time for you.
You can make time for you.
Starting today.
Not one day, someday.
Maybe you've just put your little ones down for a nap,
and the laundry is waiting, dishes are piling up,
and there's a deadline for work looming.
It's tempting to use this time to catch up on chores or work,
but what about you?
You have chosen to prioritise everything else but you.
It’s time to stop pouring from an empty cup!
You don’t need to be a superwoman!
No one expects you to be.
Set aside a small portion of your day, perhaps during naptime
or after the kids go to bed, to do something just for you.
It could be a quick yoga session, or a peaceful meditation session.
It could be just 10 minutes, or even 5 minutes.
But this won’t happen unless you choose to prioritise yourself.
By nurturing yourself, even in small ways, you recharge your batteries
so that you can continue to care for others
and handle the wonderful chaos of motherhood.
Mistake 2: Not Taking Action Due to Unrealistic Expectations
or Waiting for the Perfect Moment
Let's face it - motherhood is full of unpredictability.
One moment, you're planning a peaceful yoga session,
and the next, you're attending to a crying baby
or an upset toddler having a tantrum.
Amidst this chaotic, messy, unpredictable journey,
waiting for the stars to align perfectly can mean waiting forever.
You can’t wait until your baby starts sleeping through the night.
You can’t wait until your toddler is big enough to start going to school.
It's essential to let go of the idea of a perfect moment
and embrace imperfection instead.
Start small now.
Maybe it's just a 5-minute guided meditation during lunch break
or a gentle easy stretch while your kids play happily nearby.
Every small step adds up.
Don't hold yourself to unrealistic expectations of a daily hour-long yoga session.
Driving to a yoga studio might be unrealistic if you’re still sleep deprived
or the nearest studio is half an hour away.
But there’s a lot you can do from the comfort of your own home,
taking advantage of small pockets of time you may have throughout your day.
Consistent small actions are the key to creating lasting habits.
And you can take the first step today.
If you have a newborn and a toddler,
you may feel challenged to address their different needs at the same time.
And the thought of fitting in yoga may feel like a distant dream.
But how about if you get your kids involved while you stretch on your mat?
You can do playful home yoga incorporating both your baby & toddler.
They have fun and you get a little self-care moment
so it’s a win-win situation, isn’t it?
Maybe it’s just one or two poses and nowhere near 20-minute session you were hoping for.
But that’s ok. You tried.
You took the first step. That’s what matters.
Mistake 3: Relying on Infrequent Special Events for Self-Care
Sure, doing everything for everyone is exhausting.
We can all understand why we love the idea of special occasions to treat ourselves.
Every mum would love occasional spa days or a trip to the hairdresser.
They're like brief holiday from our motherly duties.
Although we may hope attending a yoga retreat once a year would solve all our problems, relying solely on these infrequent treats isn't a sustainable approach to self-care.
We don’t get long-lasting results
from something that we do only once a year or once a month.
The essence of wellbeing lies in the daily, consistent actions we take.
Think about it - relying only on a spa day to relax is like
trying to brush your teeth for one hour once a week,
instead of spending a few minutes every single day.
We need that steady flow of self-care throughout the week
to truly feel nurtured and nourished.
Otherwise we can easily spend the whole month or entire year waiting!
And waiting isn’t gonna help you now.
Let’s focus on what we can do right now.
As we ride the messy, crazy wave of motherhood, caring for our little people,
let's not forget to care for ourselves.
You deserve ”me time”, those moments of calm and inner peace.
Whether you're a stay-at-home mum, a working mum,
or somewhere in between, these little moments of self-care
will help you become the best version of yourself for your family.
Your self-care matters, and so do you. 💖
If you enjoyed this blog post,
go check out Wa Yoga Secret Podcast by hitting below👇
Episode 1
Why you feel stuck.
Real reasons why you don't have time for yoga.
Episode 2
How to make more time for you so that you can enjoy guilt-free self-care.
Episode 3
The secret to wellbeing.
5 characteristics of a happy, healthy mum.
About the author
Chika is a Yoga Australia registered teacher and a founder of Wa Yoga.
She's been practising yoga since 2008 and teaching since 2014.
She empowers busy mothers of young kids
through online resources and help them create a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
She's a creator of Calm & Relaxed Mama course and Mindful Mama Membership. She's a mother of a school-aged daughter
and has helped hundreds of mums, kids and young families
transform their lives through yoga & mindfulness.
How to stay connected with Chika
If you'd like to connect with Chika,
join her and over 100 mothers inside her FREE Facebook group called <<Mindful Mum CommUNITY>>