Health & Wellness Blogs

If you are a mum and looking for healthy inspirations for you and your family, you are at the right place! This is where you will find my thoughts on a wide range of topics such as:

  • ​Wellbeing
  • Yoga
  • Ayurveda
  • Mindfulness
  • Self-care
  • Sustainable living
  • Conscious consumption
  • Reducing plastic waste
  • Creating a natural home
  • Plant based cooking
  • Creativity

My hope is to uplift you and motivate you to take actions each day to be a happier, healthier you :-)

Beyond January: Recommit to Wellbeing as a Working Mum without Burnout healthy habits motherhood self-care wellbeing

January often feels like a fresh start, doesn’t it? The promise of a new year fills us with motivation to make positive changes. But now that the ma...

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From Chaos to Clarity: What I Learned in 3 Weeks of Solo Parenting family motherhood self-care wellbeing

I know how hard it is to balance work, parenting, and self-care
when it often feels like you're doing it all alone.
My husband travels a lot for work

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3 Mistakes You Might Be Making That Stop You from Becoming a Happier, Healthier Mum healthy habits motherhood self-care wellbeing

We all know how demanding motherhood can be -  
Juggling work, family school drop offs and housework.
Life as a mum is a vibrant blend of endless nappy ...

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The Biggest Lesson I Learned from 4 Years of Being a Mum motherhood wellbeing

My daughter turned 4 in July. This means I turned 4 as a mum and I feel like I’ve come a long way but at the same time, I can’t believe how quickly it...

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5 Worst Habits that Affect Your Health & Wellbeing as a New Mum motherhood new mother wellbeing

Since becoming a mum, are you struggling with your health & wellbeing? I’d love to know you’re not the only one. As our baby becomes the centre of our...

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How to Work From Home With Kids Without Too Much Screen Time motherhood
3 best working from home tips for parents who have toddlers or preschoolers
What a challenging time to be a parent. It takes a villag...
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What Parents Can Do in Uncertain Times motherhood
How can we raise a child in the world where social distancing and self-isolation have become a part of our regular vocabulary because of COVID-19?
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3 Mistakes You Might be Making in Your Meditation Practice meditation mindfulness wellbeing

Has meditation been on your to-do list for a while? Or you tried it once but decided it wasn’t for you? Or you’d like to meditate more but strug

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Dear New Mum. Be Kind to Yourself motherhood new mother wellbeing
Welcome to the club, beautiful! I’m so excited you’re here! As you navigate through this journey of motherhood, what I thought might help you is t...
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From Surviving to Thriving. How I Turned My Life Around as a New Mum motherhood new mother self-care wellbeing

I was struggling to get sleep for the first 5-6 months. If I could get 3 straight hours of sleep, and broken hours of 6 hours in total, that would hav...

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From Terrible Twos to Threenagers: How to Handle Toddler Tantrums with Mindfulness mindfulness motherhood wellbeing

Do you have a toddler? How are you handing your toddler’s tantrums? After seeing many months of daily tantrums, I must say I found mindfulness to be t...

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The Biggest Mistake I Made as a New Mum motherhood new mother self-care wellbeing

As I reflect on my journey of becoming a mum, there are so many things I’d have done differently especially in the first 6 months. Just as exciting as...

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