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5 Reasons Why I Love Essential Oils and Use Them Daily

sustainability wellbeing Dec 13, 2018

Oh I love essential oils and literally use them everyday! What about you?

I got introduced to essential oils about 10 years ago when I was embarking on my yoga journey. As you can easily imagine, I was interested in all things natural and holistic and loved how oils made me feel in a certain way. In recent years, I became more and more interested in using and learning about essential oils because of the arrival of our daughter. I wanted to have a toxin-free home and make sure everything that’s within her reach is natural and free of nasties because almost everything goes into her mouth...


I love Perfect Portion products because they are Australian Certified Organic. Certified organic means the oils are produced from plants that are grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilisers or GMO. They are also against animal testing so no animals are under stress in the process of production. Here are 5 reasons why I love essential oils and use them daily. They have become such an essential part of my self-care tools.


1. They affect my emotional wellbeing

As soon as I smell the scent of ylang ylang, (my all time favourite!) I feel cam, relaxed & peaceful. When I feel stressed out, I love adding lavender to ylang ylang. Salvatore Battaglia, the founder of Perfect Portion says “We respond to smell emotionally because the olfactory nerves pass directly from the nose to the limbic system, which is the emotional centre of the brain. “ I pop oils on the diffuser when I’m at home or love adding them to my bath with Epsom salts. When I'm on the go, I've got them in a roller bottle!


2. I get more focused and productive

Especially in the morning, I love to pop peppermint (and lemon or sweet orange) on my diffuser to help me find more clarity. My attention definitely feels sharper with the minty aroma of peppermint!


3. I get creative & motivated

When I’m in the middle of a creative task like writing a blog or painting with my daughter, I love the scent of sweet orange. The fresh, fruity and citrus aroma is truly uplifting and motivating!


4. I can make toxin-free natural cleaning products

I’m tired of reading a long list of ingredients that I don’t really understand on store-bought products so I mix up a few oils with filtered water (or vinegar) and make my own. It doesn’t smell toxic, all natural and lovely, safe for our daughter and us. I also like adding some oils to my washing. Our clothes come out smelling gorgeous (especially great for our daughter’s training pants!!). Eucalyptus, tea tree, lemon, lavender & clove bud are some of most frequently used oils at our home.


5. They make a natural first aid kit or medicine cabinet

Got a headache? Try lavender. Got minor cuts? Try tea tree. I love natural healing properties of essential oils. If you are interested in finding out more about which oils can be used for what, you will love “the petite guide to aromatherapy” by Salvatore Battaglia that comes with the Aromatherapy Essential Oils Kit. It has a number of blend suggestions and lists common conditions or complaints with suggested oils. This kit contains most of the oils I mentioned above and would be a great beginning of your oil journey!


Hope this has sparked some interests in you to look more into using essential oils in your life. Visit the link below and check out beautiful Perfect Potion products that I sell online and don't miss the special sale on the diffuser & aromatherapy kit (ends on Sunday 7 April 2019)