5 Worst Habits that Affect Your Health & Wellbeing as a New Mum
Aug 21, 2020Since becoming a mum, are you struggling with your health & wellbeing? I’d love to know you’re not the only one. As our baby becomes the centre of our attention, we often forget to take care of ourselves and our health & wellbeing often end up being compromised. I can still remember very clearly I didn’t feel my best in the first 6 months. Sleep deprivation was huge but there are so many other little things that contributed to this. I believe what we do daily has a significant impact on us. I’d love to help you become the happiest and healthiest version of yourself so I wanted to share these 5 little habits that might be stopping you from becoming a happier and healthier you.
1. Not leaving house
Don’t stay at home all day mumma! There are times when you may need to stay in like when your baby is sick, but otherwise, you want to make sure you leave your house and get some fresh air daily. I know you’re exhausted after having no sleep and getting outside might feel like the last thing you want to do but trust me, this will be good for you. Walking increases the blood flow to your brain which helps your brain function. It helps your brain to release feel-good chemicals called endorphins which will improve your mood. Being outside and catching some sunshine will also increase your Vitamin D level, which is necessary for the healthy function of your immune system. Put your baby in a pram or carrier and go for a walk together. I'm sure you will come home happier.
2. Not asking for help
I know as a new mum, you feel quite protective about you newborn baby and you may want to do everything around this little person yourself but don’t think of doing everything on your own. Don't be afraid of asking for help. The sense of overwhelm is the last thing you want. We’ve heard it millions of times but it takes a village to raise a child and your child needs healthy interaction with others too. Ask help from your partner and your family even if they might be interstates or overseas. You have a lot on your plate now so it’s really time to ask for help. You’re not failing at anything by asking help from others!
3. Not taking a break
If you’re a stay-at-home mum, it feels like all the responsibilities are on your shoulders especially if you’re breastfeeding your baby. If you don’t ask for a break, you’re literally alone with this little person 24/7 and that is quite overwhelming. Everyone needs a break and you deserve one too. Ask your partner, family or friend to watch your baby so you can take a break daily. Do something to nurture and nourish you. Maybe doing yoga & meditation. Going for a nature walk alone. Having a bath in silence. Do one thing to take a good care of yourself daily so you can continue to take care of your baby.
4. Not interacting with anyone other than your own baby
When you’re nursing your newborn baby, you start spending a lot of time alone with your baby. Your partner is probably at work most of the time and your childless girlfriends work 9 to 5 and not available when you want to meet up with them. You love talking to your baby but all you get is a little smile and you start missing having verbal conversations with another adult human being! Motherhood feels a little isolating sometimes but we are a social being so it’s important to have regular interactions with others. Make an effort to meet other like-minded local mums who speak the same (mum) language. I found hanging out with other mums of different stages of motherhood helpful because 1. They understand what you’re going through 2. They can share the insight into what might be coming next. It's nice to know you're not doing this alone.
5. Not being kind to yourself
Are you being kind to yourself? What words are you speaking to yourself? Pay attention to your inner dialogue. Learn to be your own best friend. Remind yourself you’re doing a great job. Be kind and gentle to yourself so you can be kind to others. I know you’re doing the best you can so drop harsh or critical comments and speak kindly to yourself as if you're speaking to a good friend.
There you have it. 5 little habits that you can change to become a happier and healthier version of you. What do you think are the worst habits that are stopping us from becoming the happiest and healthiest version of ourselves? I’d love to hear from you!
How to connect with Chika
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About Chika
Chika is a Sydney Northern Beaches resident, mum to a toddler and Yoga Australia registered teacher. She has been a student of yoga for over 10 years, teaching for the last 5 and is passionate about empowering other mums to make self-care their priority so they can become a happier and healthier version of themselves. She shares simple yoga & mindfulness tools that you can easily incorporate in your daily self-care ritual. She specialises in pre & postnatal yoga, mums & bubs / toddlers yoga, kids yoga, family yoga, yin yoga & mindfulness meditation.